Chapter-6 India – My Motherland
Q1.What is the area and size of India in respect to the world?
A1.1. India is a vast country with an area of 3.28 million square kilometres.
2.India ranks seventh after Russia, Canada, China, USA, Brazil and Australia. (It is the seventh largest country after Russia, Canada, China, USA, Brazil and Australia.)
Q2. Which countries form Indian sub-continent? Why is it called so?
A2. 1. India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal and Bhutan together form a distinct geographical unit popularly known as the Indian sub-continent.
2. It is called so as it has a very distinctive culture of its own as it is separated from the rest of Asia by a long chain of lofty mountains in the north.
3. India has remarkable cultural diversity where people follow different languages, religions and traditions etc.
Q3. What is the latitudinal and longitudinal extent of India?
A3. 1. Its main land extends between 8 4’ N and 37 6’N latitude.
2. The longitudinal extend of India is between 68 7’ E and 97 2’ E.
Q4. Name the three major rivers which form the Great Northern Plains of India.
A4. The Ganga, the Brahmaputra and the Sutlej.
Q5. Name the newly formed 29th state of India. When was it formed?
A5. Telangana is the 29th and the youngest state of India. It was formed on June 2, 2014.
E1. State any four main features of the Himalayan Mountains.
Ans. 1.The Himalayan Mountains are seen along the border of India from Jammu and Kashmir to Arunachal Pradesh.
2. Himalayas means the ‘Abode of Snow’.
3. The northernmost range of the Himalayas is called the Great Himalayas or Himadri.
4. Second range of the Himalayas is the Middle Himalaya or Himachal range.
5. The Southernmost range is the Shivalik range.
E2. Where is Sunderban delta? How does it look? Describe its main features.
Ans. 1. Ganga and Brahmaputraa rivers form a great delta- the Sunderbans.
2. It is the biggest in the world, before falling into the Bay of Bengal.
3. This delta has a triangular shape.
4. It is a low-lying area where the major rivers are split into several channels.
5. This delta region near the sea is called Sunderbans.
E3. Describe the Peninsula plateau of India.
Ans.1. Towards south from the Great Plains, there is a triangular landmass known as the Great Peninsular Plateau.
2. Its northern part is known as the Central Highlands.
3. The southern part of the plateau is called the Deccan Plateau.
4. It is triangular in shape.
5. The entire plateau region is rich in minerals.

E4. How do the Eastern coastal plains differ from the Western coastal plains?
Ans. Eastern Coastal Plains Western Coastal Plains
1. It lies to the east of India. 1. It lies to the west of India.
2. It runs along the Bay of Bengal. 2. It runs along the Arabian Sea.
3 . It is broader than Western 3. It is narrow, uneven and rocky. Coastal Plains.
4. The rivers- Mahanadi, Godavari, 4. Small rivers rising from the Krishna and Kaveri form deltas Western Ghats flow swiftly into at their mouths before falling into Arabian Sea.
Bay of Bengal.

E5. Differentiate between Andaman and Nicobar Islands and Lakshadweep Islands.
Andaman and Nicobar Islands Lakshadweep Islands
1. It lies to the east of India. 1. It lies to the west of India.
2. These are a group of 572 Islands. 2. These are 36 islands.
3. They are large in size. 3. They are smaller in size.
4. These islands lie on the Bay of Bengal. 4. These islands lie in Arabian Sea.
5. They are uppermost part of submerged 5. They had been formed by Coral Polyps.
Q1. Mention three levels of the local self –
governing bodies under the Panchayati Raj System.
ANS. In rural areas, there are three levels of the local
self – governing bodies.
a) Gram
Panchayat at the village level.
b) Block Samiti or Panchayat Samiti at the block
c) Zila
Parishad or Zila Panchayat at the District level.
This three- tier system is called as
Panchayati Raj System.
Q2. Write the three functions of the Gram
ANS. The three functions of the Gram Sabha are :
a) Gram
Sabha elects the members of Gram Panchayat and its Pradhan or Head –man.
b) It
takes important decisions about the welfare and development of the village.
c) It
also approves the annual budget of the Gram Panchayat.
What is the most important function of Panchayat Samiti.
Ans3. Large projects like well –equipped hospitals,
opening of senior secondary schools, colleges and construction of link roads
between the villages, are taken up jointly by some villages.(Block Samiti)
Q4. Write 5 functions of the Panchayat
Samiti(Block Samities).
a) The
panchayat samiti looks after the developmental and welfare work of the villages
of a particular block.
b) It
also looks after agriculture, promotion of cottage industries, poultry, fishery
c) It
also supervises the projects being undertaken by the village panchayats.
d) It
helps in the formation of cooperative societies etc.
e) It
gives advice to the villagers in the field of agriculture, education, medicine,
veterinary aid etc
Q5. Mention the sources of income of a
Village Panchayat.
ANS. 1.The Village Panchayat gets its income from taxes on
houses, market places, use of open spaces etc.
2. It gets grants or aid from the government.
3. Many a times,
it raises loans to complete its welfare and developmental projects.
Q6. How are Panchs and Pradhan (members) of a
Gram Panchayat elected?
ANS. 1. Members of Gram Panchayat are directly elected by
the Members of Gram Sabha through the process of election.
2. They are elected for a fixed term of 5 years
3. Gram sabha not only elects members of gram panchayat
but elects its pradhan or Headmen.
E.Q1. Mention any five functions of the Gram
ANS. Five functions of the Gram Panchayat are :
a) Provisions
of clean drinking water.
b) Plantation
of trees.
c) Organization
of fairs and festivals.
d) Keeping
records of births and deaths.
e) Provisions
of centers of adult literacy.
f) Construction
and maintenance of village roads, street lights, public wells, tanks, water
ways etc.
Q2. Describe the composition of Zila Parishad.
ANS.1). Elected members of zila parishad parishad .
2) The Chairman of
the Block Samities
3) Members of Lok
Sabha , Rajya Sabha , Vidhan Parishad
4) Representatives of Schedule Caste, Schedule Tribes and
women from the district.
5) A President and Vice president is elected from amongst
its members.
6.) A permanent government employee acts as Secretary of
the Zila Parishad.
How does the Zila Parishad keep control over the other Panchayati Raj
Write any five functions of the Zila Parishad .
Ans-3Five functions of the Zila Parishad are :
1. It acts as a
link between the State Government, Block Samities and the Village Panchayats.
2. It keeps the government informed about the working of
local self-governi ng bodies.
3. It prepares plans for over all development of the
whole district (in the field of education, agriculture, health care, animal
husbandry, village and cottage industries etc).
4. It also implements 5 year Plans and other plans for
the rural development.
5. It distributes government funds to Block Samities.
Q4. Differentiate between A Gram Sabha and
Gram Panchayat.
It is the general body of the village. 1.
It is the local self governing body of a village.
All men and women who have attained 2.
Candidates for contesting the
the age of 18 years , are the registered elections should be minimum
voters form the Gram Sabha. of 21 years of age.
3. It takes important decision about 3. It implements decisions
the welfare and development of the village. by the Gram Sabha.
Q5. Highlight
the significance of Self-governing bodies in a democracy like India? Or
Why do we need local self-government?
Ans 5. It helps and assists the people of every village
or city to meet their community need.
2. These
self governing bodies consists of elected representatives of the people.
3. It
gives an opportunity to the people to develop self-reliance, initiative, power
of decision-making.
4. It
helps the people to participate in the democratic process of the government.
5. It
also lessens the burden of the State Government.
Differentiate between Zila Parishad and Gram Panchayat.
a) It
is a governing body at the district level.
b) It
supervises and controls all the samities of the district and also of Gram
Panchayat which are under them.
c) Its
composition – the chairman of the Block Samities , some elected members of Lok
Sabha, Rajya Sabha , Vidhan Sabha , Vidhan Parishad , reprentatives of Schedule
Caste , Schedule tribes and women.
d) It
elects President and Vice – President from amongst its members for a term of 5
a) It
is a governing body at the village level.
b) There
is a Gram Panchayat in every village in case of very small villages there is a
combined Panchayat for two or three villages.
c) Its
composition- the members of Gram Panchayat, its Pradhan , Up – Pradhan and
Panchayat secretary.
d) It
elects Panchs for a fixed term of 5 years by the members of Gram Sabha.
State government
à a) President
à a) Chairman
b)Vice President
secretary ß GRAM PANCHAYAT à a) Pradhan
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